Ask Me Anything

with Brotherly Love Podcast

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What’s up, guys. A while ago on the pod, you all mentioned that you love tropical places. I wanted to ask if any of you have ever been to St. Thomas? I was born there, my family is from there. If you haven’t been, you should definitely try to make it out there sometime. The food, the people, the culture and, of course, the beaches are great. You all would love it!

Questions for us

What questions would you like to ask your fans? You could ask us one question a day Monday through Thursday and then Friday do a pod discussing your favorite answers.

Andy, I think you are very handsome, do you think you would ever consider coming for my birthday

Cane you come to Az and celebrate my birthday with me as my guest.. it's April 12. It would be very much appreciated. Lauren


If someone held your reptiles for Ransom what would do?lauren