Ask Me Anything

with Brotherly Love Podcast

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Question for Andy

We have all seen you shred on guitar, do you play any other instruments? And if you could do life over would you choose music over acting...if yes what would be your dream band? P.S I love all you guys I'm around the same age as Andy so I have been a fan of you all my entire life. You have all done the impossible- becoming a part of the collective memory. People of all ages know who the Lawrence brothers, are what a legacy! Congrats on the pod da pod!

Italian Stallions

What part of Italy is your Dad’s side from, and what is your favorite Italian food? Question for all of you! 🇮🇹

License to drive

Who taught you all to drive? Once you got your license where did you go? The title reference to this question is one of my favorite movies of the 80’s.


If you could choose any other career other than acting/directing/singing what would it be and why.?? Hope you are all doing well I love watching you guys every week makes me happy

Pod guests

Would you guys consider having fan guests on the pod again?