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with Brotherly Love Podcast

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If you could build your own signature sandwich

what would be in your sandwich and what would you call it?

Hey! Joe, Matt and Andy, I just wanted to say love the POD DA POD!!! I was wonder when ya'll will come out with your own tv show again if that's in the works. Keep up the great work love you guys. Cristina Wilson :)

Hi Guys :)

My have 2 Questions: From any era of movies 80's 90's 00' etc. 1.if you could choose any role to play in any film what role would it be and why? 2. if a chance to be in a Quentin Tarantino or Martin Scussase film ever came up would you take it? bo questions aimed at all three of you :). you guys are awesome much love sent from the UK :)

Most influential TV show growing up.

Being on TV shows growing up, did it make it difficult watching any? Did you have a favorite one or one that meant a lot to you growing up?


What's something you've accomplished in the past year? What are you looking forward to accomplishing in the next year?