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with Brotherly Love Podcast

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When is the shop opening

Hey guys when is the online shop opening. I hear you guys keeps saying soon but is there a date yet

Christmas song

Andy, I really love the christmas song that you did for Mistletoe Mixup. Can you please put it on Spotify or something so I can listen to it on repeat? I have to constantly rewind the movie in order to listen to the song.

Christmas song

Andy, I really love the christmas song that you did for Mistletoe Mixup. Can you please put it on Spotify or something so I can listen to it on repeat? I have to constantly rewind the movie in order to listen to the song.

Money Plane

On my recent vacation my friend and I decided to have a Lawrence brothers marathon. I heard you guys talk about Money Plane in the episode with Edge, but have never seen it so it became a must on our marathon list! Since seeing it, it has become a favorite of mine. I seen Andy you were one of the writers and was wondering how you came up with idea for Money Plane and with being into firearms did you help choreograph the shooting scene at the end? Also how did Edge come to be the main character? Great work from all you guys in the movie, even Mr.Smee in his cameo. Matt, the way you died with the leg twitches at the end, I couldn’t help but laugh, great job with the physical comedy:)

Money Plane

On my recent vacation my friend and I decided to have a Lawrence brothers marathon. I heard you guys talk about Money Plane in the episode with Edge, but have never seen it so it became a must on our marathon list! Since seeing it, it has become a favorite of mine. I seen Andy you were one of the writers and was wondering how you came up with idea for Money Plane and with being into firearms did you help choreograph the shooting scene at the end? Also how did Edge come to be the main character? Great work from all you guys in the movie, even Mr.Smee in his cameo. Matt, the way you died with the leg twitches at the end, I couldn’t help but laugh, great job with the physical comedy:)