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with Brotherly Love Podcast

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Tom Cruise movie cameo

Not a question, just a fun movie fact. Tom Cruise’s internet filmography is correct. He had an uncredited cameo in Young Guns, sporting a fake mustache, in the big gunfight at the end of the movie. You can find clips on YouTube. Enjoy. Love the pod and all the IG content. Good luck 🍀


Joe- How are you? I hope things are amazing. Matt- How are you? Hope you're feeling better. Andy- How YOU doin' ? (In my Joey Tribbiani voice) lmao

Hey Andy I did a cameo and am a big fan of Adult Andy/squirreldaddy

Hey Andy I did a cameo and am a big fan of Adult Andy. Can I get a follow on TikTok please? _tanisha_tiera

I have a question

Matt! When you're doing the yard peeing and the bottle peeing and the bag? Peeing. How do you wash your hands?

I have a question

Matt! When you're doing the yard peeing and the bottle peeing and the bag? Peeing. How do you wash your hands?