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Matt Joe and Andy three wishes ?!

If you could have three wishes and only three what would your wish be ? Would you ever trade your wish two other wishes to keep the first one

90s Con!

Hey guys! Still loving the pod da pod! A question for all three of you, how was 90s Con in Daytona?!

words of encouragement

Hey guys! I wanted to give some words of encouragement. I thought I would send it this way and I hope that’s okay. I don’t expect you to read this on your AMA but I pray you do get the chance to read this even it’s just for yourselves off camera. In these past couple of years I have grown in my faith while going through a difficult time in my life and I wanted to pass on the encouragement and I’m especially sensing this for Matt. When I was going through my difficult season I remember thinking that I have to make it through this because there are people I haven’t met that need what I’ve been through as a testimony that tells them it’s going to be okay. And perhaps this is one of those moments. So as your sister in Christ, I want to tell you to remain steadfast in your pursuit of Jesus. I can see your passion and genuine joy as you speak of your spiritual journey when I watch the podcast. Stay committed, disciplined, and consistent on this journey. Especially on the days your not ‘feeling it’ and on those bad days that’s when you need to press in deeper to your faith. We grow our spiritual muscle the same way we build our physical muscle and that’s with resistance. The more we learn the more we want to know. I’ve learned so much about God in these past two years and yet I’ve only scratched the surface. Everyday we learn more and we have the opportunity to be a better person than the day before. I pray you continue your pursuit of Him and strengthen that relationship with Him and also with yourself. Love God, love yourself and you will love others well. I pray you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit like never before and you are sensitive to His leading and teaching. Thank you for reading and I hope this helped you in some way.

Fan references and remembering moments

Naturally Joey has a very recognizable catchphrase but all three of 3 have a huge body of work behind you, do you ever get fans referencing lines from things you've done that you don't remember? As a Jessica one thing I must do before I die is say "Billy, it's me, Jessica." to Matt but I think I'd become one with the floor never to speak again if he didn't understand the reference.

Mr. Smee

Hi guys, hope all is well. My question is for Andy. Would u consider bringing Smee to the next con? P.S. Thank you Andy, for signing my guitar. And thank you yo Joey, for wearing the prayer bracelet. 🙏 ❤️ Love your Podhead, Krista L. Greig (Greg)