Ask Me Anything

with Brotherly Love Podcast

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Fear Factor

Has there ever been anything you’ve needed to do in for a role that terrified you? I could never be an actor because the fear of the unknown stunts from film to film would wreck me. OR if you’ve never been afraid of anything, have you ever had to learn to do something that was super hard?

Live music

My question is for each of the brothers. What was the best concert you’ve ever been to? It can be any concert: ie a free concert, a private exclusive concert, a big concert in an arena…

Rewind and Replay

What’s a movie you wish you could forget, so you could experience it again for the first time?

Favorite TV shows and Podcasts

I binge podcasts and TV shows while I work and I'm already up to date on all my favorites. Aside from anything Brotherly Love related, what are your favorite TV shows/podcasts?

Joey! Big fan of your music. My girlfriend and my favorite of your is VEN VEN CONMIGO! Can you give us your inspiration for writing this beautiful song! Hope to hear more music soon!

Joey! Big fan of your music. My girlfriend and my favorite of your is VEN VEN CONMIGO! Can you give us your inspiration for writing this beautiful song! Hope to hear more music soon!