Ask Me Anything

with Brotherly Love Podcast

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Favorite attributes of a woman?

Physical feature

What is your favorite physical feature of each other?

Disney Channel Films...

Since you all seem to like older Disney films, I was just curious if any of you have seen some of my favorite, somewhat obscure Disney channel films. A Far Off Place with Reese Witherspoon, Perfect Harmony, and The Journey of Natty Gann are three that I love, and have great memories of watching as a young adult. I also loved the Australian show, Ocean Girl, that was on the Disney Channel when I was young. I liked them because they dealt with challenging issues like poaching, racism, the Great Depression, and protecting our oceans, but in ways that were appropriate for young adults, and, yet, didn't make me feel as if they were dumbing down the topic for me at that age.


What questions would you like to ask your fans?

Let Andy talk

The most common comment after every pod da pod is "Let Andy talk!" I think it would be fun to try what we have done in meetings. Only the person holding the ball can speak. If someone speaks out of turn, they lose a turn. Maybe we can bet on how long Joey and Matt will last before they crack, and you know they will. Then whoever guesses right wins a Brotherly Love Podcast hat or mug.